Joint Communiqué by Ministers of the Global Coalition against Daesh/ISIS: Washington, October 2024

Ministers at the Coalition Ministerial Meeting, 30 September 2024
Coalition Ministers participate in a family photo for the Coalition against Daesh Ministerial at the Department of State in Washington, D.C., September 30, 2024. (Official State Department photo by Chuck Kennedy)

Ten years after the formation of the Global Coalition against Daesh/ISIS, Deputy Prime Ministers, Foreign Ministers, and Senior Officials convened in Washington, D.C, today at the invitation of Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken. The Global Coalition against Daesh/ISIS is the largest international coalition in history and remains committed to defeating Daesh/ISIS anywhere it operates.

In 2014, the United States led an international response to the Iraqi government’s request for assistance against Daesh/ISIS, resulting in the formation of the Global Coalition. In 2024, five years after the Global Coalition’s defeat of Daesh/ISIS in Iraq and Syria, Coalition members honour the sacrifices made by those who fought and died in Iraq and Syria to liberate territories from Daesh/ISIS and commend Iraq for its leadership in the Coalition.

Global Coalition Ministers commit to supporting the Government of Iraq’s efforts to safeguard the security, peace, and development of the Iraqi people. The planned transition of the Coalition’s military mission in Iraq to bilateral security partnerships reflects a reduction of the Daesh/ISIS threat. Ministers commend Iraq’s continuing cooperation in countering Daesh/ISIS in the region, and its ongoing leadership in broader Coalition lines of effort, including stabilisation, counter financing, disruption of foreign terrorist travel, and prevention of recruitment to ensure there is no Daesh/ISIS resurgence.

Ministers endorse the priorities of the Coalition Stabilisation Working Group, with a goal of raising and implementing $394 million for areas liberated from Daesh/ISIS in Iraq and Syria – toward which members have already announced commitments totalling more than $200 million. The Ministers emphasise the importance of durable solutions for remaining populations in northeast Syria, including bringing to justice detained terrorists, ensuring accountability for crimes including gender-based violence, ensuring detainee populations are housed securely and humanely, and improving conditions for the populations residing in al-Hol and Roj displaced persons camps. Ministers urge support to reconciliation and reintegration efforts in Iraq and Syria and to foster conditions conducive to a Syria-wide political resolution to the conflict consistent with UN Security Council Resolution 2254. Ministers commend Iraq’s progress in repatriating over 10,000 of its nationals from northeast Syria and Iraqi efforts to apply accountability where appropriate and in assisting the displaced to reintegrate into their communities of origin.

Ministers commit to counter the continued spread of Daesh/ISIS globally, including across parts of Africa and Central and Southeast Asia. Ministers reaffirm their commitment to mobilise members and legitimate partners and pursue whole-of-government approaches to disrupt Daesh/ISIS global networks by sharing information via trusted and secured systems, to deny their freedom of movement, and to restrict their access to financing and other resources in line with UN Security Council Resolution 2178, 2396, and 2462. Ministers underscore the need to enhance comprehensive counterterrorism efforts, ensure that our policies and practices are appropriately human-rights-based, block terrorist access to resources and financing, disrupt cross-border movements of Daesh/ISIS, and protect and assist victims who suffered under Daesh/ISIS misrule.

Ministers condemn ISIS-K’s indiscriminate attacks in Asia and Europe and commit to deterring and disrupting future attacks. To this end, Ministers endorse the Coalition-aligned ISKP Diplomatic Grouping, highlighting the need to improve coordination and to partner with regional counterterrorism and strategic communication initiatives. Ministers also commend the work of the Global Coalition’s Africa Focus Group in promoting an active role of African partners and highlighted the imperative to counter malign and non-state armed actors whose actions undercut counterterrorism cooperation and destabilise regions in which they operate. Coalition Ministers welcome the participation of observers from Central Asian states and Africa at the Ministerial and affirm their intent to strengthen counterterrorism cooperation with them.

Ministers applaud the significant work of Global Coalition members in countering Daesh/ISIS propaganda in the ever evolving and challenging information environment, including successful campaigns to expose and discredit the deceptions propagated by Daesh/ISIS. Ministers note ongoing initiatives to prevent terrorists from dominating public narratives across traditional media, social media, and encrypted messaging applications, and underscore the importance of artificial intelligence to combat terrorist propaganda and recruitment. Ministers emphasise that terrorism, in any form or manifestation, should not be associated with any faith, religion, or ethnic group.

Welcoming the Maldives as the newest member of the Global Coalition, bringing the total number of members to 87, Ministers especially recognise the participation of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Senegal, Pakistan, Kyrgyz Republic, and Kazakhstan as observers and committed the Coalition to increase engagement in these regions to enhance counterterrorism capacities and coordination. Ministers support the Global Coalition adjusting its processes, structures, and instruments to ensure it continues to be fit for purpose to defeat the current Daesh/ISIS threat and to deter and defeat future threats.

On the 10th anniversary of its establishment, with continued affirmation that individual members bear the primary responsibility for the security of their homelands, the members of the Global Coalition recommit to mobilising and coordinating efforts to defeat Daesh/ISIS in accordance with international law, including the Charter of the United Nations, applicable international human rights law, and all relevant UN Security Council resolutions. Members of the Global Coalition will stand together until Daesh/ISIS is defeated.

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