\ Morocco - The Global Coalition Against Daesh


The Kingdom of Morocco, aware of the necessity to push against any form of violent extremism and terrorism, is fully engaged in advancing the objectives of the Global Coalition against Daesh, today more than ever, considering the aggravating situation of the terrorism landscape, particularly in the Sahel and West Africa, becoming the new epicentre of terrorism worldwide.

In this unwavering spirit, Morocco has been actively participating to the Coalition meetings and working groups, including at the ministerial level, in accordance with the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity and shared responsibility. Morocco’s dedication to the Coalition objectives is reflected by its pivotal role as the organizer of the Coalition’s first regional meeting for North and West Africa at the Political Director level, held on June 26, 2018, and the first Ministerial Meeting of the Coalition in Africa, held on 11th May 2022, in Marrakech. This event marked a significant milestone, showcasing Morocco’s commitment to regional cooperation within the Coalition and its leadership in fostering unity and collaboration among States threatened by Daesh, particularly in the Sahel and West African regions.

Furthermore, Morocco assumes the role of co-chair for the Africa Focus Group, alongside with Italy, Saudi Arabia and the United States of America, a critical platform within the Coalition, emphasizing its influence and leadership in shaping strategies to counter the expansion of Daesh within the African continent, in an invaluable contribution to regional stability and security.

The Kingdom of Morocco reiterates its steadfast engagement and support to the Global Coalition objectives, underlining its critical role in promoting safety, harmony, and stability in the world. Morocco’s comprehensive efforts, including its role in organizing regional meetings, co-chairing the Africa Focus Group, and active participation in working groups, serve as a testament to the nation’s commitment to a more secure and peaceful global landscape.

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