\ Germany - The Global Coalition Against Daesh


Since 2014, Germany has been strongly committed to pushing Daesh back on all fronts and deal with the past crimes of the terror organisation. In addition to its political and diplomatic engagement in the region as well as its military contribution to “Operation Inherent Resolve” and “NATO Mission Iraq”, Germany supports the work of the security forces in Iraq through various cooperation and training measures.

Furthermore, Germany continues to fund a variety of stabilisation measures and infrastructure rehabilitation projects in liberated areas from Daesh in Syria and Iraq. In this context, German support has focused on deradicalisation, and reintegration of persons affiliated with Daesh, the establishment of inclusive community security, basic infrastructure, and support to livelihoods. In light of an integrated approach towards peace and security, these projects have been complemented with programs focusing on psychosocial support, education and skills training and activities fostering social cohesion and reconciliation.

As co-chair of the Stabilisation Working Group, since early 2019, Germany has been an active supporter of the Coalition’s efforts to counter extremist ideology and targeted stabilisation programming to enable the return and reintegration of displaced persons.

In addition, in its role as a co-chair of the Stabilisation Working Group and chair of the Stabilisation Task Force in Baghdad, Germany is spearheading the Global Coalition’s joint stabilisation efforts in liberated areas in Syria and Iraq.




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German Information Center Cairo (GIC)

€2.4 billion

provided for humanitarian assistance, stabilization support and longer-term development cooperation in Iraq since 2015 with an additional €85 million for humanitarian assistance for Syrian refugees in Iraq.

€9.3 billion

pledged for humanitarian assistance, stabilization support and longer-term development cooperation for Syria and the region since 2015

€185 million

At the 2021 meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Global Coalition to Defeat Daesh in Rome, Germany committed another €185 million to scale-up stabilization efforts in Iraq and Northeast Syria.

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