
The Philippines is engaged in addressing terrorism, which is aligned with the Global Coalition’s lines of effort.

Stabilisation in Post-Daesh Communities

Terrorist groups exploit the poor socio-economic conditions of the country by offering incentives such as cash, firearms, and even illegal drugs, as reported in the Department of National Defence’s (DND) Strategic Assessment Report 2025-2030. The Marawi Crisis served as a reminder that poor governance in certain areas of Mindanao would make it a target destination for foreign terrorists who seek to bring the fight to Southeast Asia.

Despite these challenges, international counter-terrorism efforts (CT) are being undertaken, which are, but not limited to, the following:
• Trilateral Cooperative Arrangement (TCA) among the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia;
• ASEAN Our Eyes Initiative (AOEI);
• ASEAN-365 Information-Sharing Platform;
• Counter-Terrorism Information Facility (CTIF) in Singapore; and
• INTELEX and Analyst-to-Analyst Exchanges (ATAX).

Countering Terrorist Financing

The Philippines acknowledges that terrorism, terrorism financing, and proliferation financing present a risk to the state’s commitment in maintaining peace and a functional society. Given the transnational nature of terrorism, the government undertook the 2022 Terrorism and Terrorism Financing Risk Assessment. According to this assessment, there has been an improvement in the terrorism financing risk environment, which could be attributed to the enactment of the Anti-Terrorism Law, various designations of individuals and organisations, and close domestic and international coordination among relevant government agencies.

Managing the Challenge of Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTFs)
The Philippine government is addressing the threats posed by Al Qaeda and FTFs through the following:
• Intensified intelligence monitoring of local terrorist groups and foreign terrorist organisations;
• Enlisting cooperation of Muslim communities;
• Inter-agency coordination and cooperation; and
• Intelligence exchanges with local and foreign intelligence services.

Likewise, the Philippine government has adopted these strategies to improve intelligence gathering on suspected FTFs:
• Enhanced inter-agency coordination and cooperation;
• Enhanced database management;
• Improved border management control; and
• Strengthened technological capabilities on counterterrorism.








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