Key contributions in Iraq:
- In its role as a Coalition partner, Montenegro has supported the Iraqi Security Forces through donating ammunition and other forms of military ordnance to be used in the fight against DAESH.
- Through NATO funds, Montenegro has contributed to Iraqi security forces in 2018 with the amount of 20 000 EUR.
- Montenegro is also part of NATO-led RS Mission in Afghanistan, which is a major allied contribution to the Global Coalition, taking into account that DAESH also has terrorist cells in Afghanistan
Top Contributions of Coalition:
- Montenegro co-sponsored UN Security Council Resolution 2178, which was adopted by consensus at an extraordinary UN Session, conducted in September 2014 and chaired by US President Barack Obama.
- In support of UNSCR 2178, the Montenegrin Parliament amended the Penal Code of Montenegro where it stipulated “taking part in foreign armed formations” as a criminal offence.
- This effectively forbids Montenegrin citizens taking part in any activity pertaining to intent to leave the country to participate in foreign battlefields or be a member of foreign armed groups.
Links to Montenegro’s government websites