The anti-Daesh activist group “Young Men and Women of Mosul and the Nation” has stood at the forefront of this wave, sharing posters (like the one shown below) that show the brutal measures Daesh has taken against civilians as the group grows more desperate.

The group has also produced cartoons and memes that mock Daesh’s self-proclaimed “Caliph” Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi:

Another group of Mosul residents (under the online name Al Mosulyoon), have also actively resisted Daesh online. With over 22,000 followers on Facebook, the group has built a wide audience to share posters (like the ones below) that show the strength of Iraqi forces against Daesh.

These images speak to Iraqis’ strength and resilience in the face of Daesh aggression, helping to end the group’s reign of terror by contesting and resisting online as well as on the ground.