CJTF-OIR Timeline1
This timeline traces the trajectory of the Global Coalition's military efforts in combating Daesh, starting with its formation under U.S. President Barack Obama. Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF-OIR) is the Coalition’s military mission, supporting its security partners, the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The mission is now in the final phase, ahead of transitioning into new security partnerships, ensuring a secure, stable and sovereign future for Iraq.

Aug 2014
With Iraq’s offensive against Daesh underway, Iraq request air
support from the US, marking the start of effective Iraq-led military cooperation.

Oct 2014
The Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF-OIR) is formed by the Global
Coalition, signifying a resolute commitment to supporting Iraq eradicate the Daesh threat.
Phase one: Degrade

Phase one, "Degrade," targets Daesh’s territorial ambitions in Iraq and reduces the group’s combat
capability. Significant early victories result in the liberation of members of the Yazidi
community from Daesh, the recapture of the Mosul/Haditha dam, and pushing Daesh out of both
Baghdad and Kirkuk.
Phase two: Counterattack

Following the success of Phase one, CJTF-OIR transitions to Phase II, “Counterattack.” With Daesh
on the back-foot, CJTF-OIR support the Iraqi Security Forces and the Syrian Defence Forces to
liberate territory and communities under Daesh control.

CJTF-OIR captures the strategic airfield of Qayyarah, positioning Coalition forces within striking
distance of Daesh-held Mosul.
Battle of Mosul

17 October 2016
The Iraqi Security Forces, supported by CJTF-OIR, begin the Battle of Mosul.
Phase three: Defeat

With the ISF and SDF leading the ground offensive against Daesh, CJTF-OIR support them with a wave
of targeted airstrikes. The combined attack results in the liberation of 155 major cities
including Hawija, Al Qaim, Anah, Rawah, Raqqa, Dashisha, and significant portions of eastern Deir
Ezzour province in Syria.

09 December
Following the liberation of hundreds of cities and increased security for millions across Iraq,
its Prime Minister declares victory over Daesh.

February 2018
The military victory enables the Coalition to refocus their efforts towards aiding the Iraqi
government with their reconstruction efforts. The members of the Global Coalition commit to
providing $30 billion at the "International Conference for Reconstruction of Iraq" in Kuwait.
These funds will go towards the physical and human dimensions of reconstruction, e.g.
infrastructure, private investment and societal issues such as humanitarian needs, social
protection, good governance and accountability.
Phase four: Support Stabilisation

April 2018
Alongside reconstruction efforts and the conclusion of combat operations, CJTF-OIR shifts its
focus to training and supporting the Iraqi Security Forces, providing funding for new equipment
and ongoing capacity building to encourage greater partner participation and boost Iraq’s combat
readiness, providing specific training to ISF leaders.
Battle of Baghouz

March 2019
Due to sustained military efforts from Local security partners, Daesh is forced out of its last
remaining stronghold—the Syrian town of Baghouz, marking the end of a five-year military campaign
against the terrorist organisation. Daesh is forced into hiding underground.
Counter-Daesh operations in Syria

CJTF-OIR and partner forces continue their counter-Daesh operations in Syria, disrupting
clandestine networks involved in smuggling, financing, media dissemination, and providing
logistical support to Daesh.
Support to the Iraqi Security Forces

At the request of the Iraqi government, the Global Coalition prioritises its “Build Partner
Capacity Programme”, aiming to strengthen Iraqi security capabilities by providing training,
mentorship, and equipment to partner security forces.
Military handover in Iraq

March 2020
CJTF-OIR combat forces begin to hand over control of Coalition military bases to Iraq.
Military Advisory Group

July 2020
Task Force Iraq, under CJTF-OIR, becomes the “Military Advisory Group”. Teams of advisors from
CJTF-OIR provide targeted mentorship to the Iraqi Security Forces across operational planning,
logistics, intelligence, and other military capabilities.
Camp Taji Handover

August 2020
Camp Taji military base in Iraq is transferred from the Coalition to the Iraqi Security Forces,
marking the end of the Global Coalition’s combat mission and the transfer of all military bases to
the Iraqi Security Forces.
Advise, Assist, Enable

December 2021
All combat troops are withdrawn as CJTF-OIR transitions to an advisory mission, assisting and
enabling the Iraqi Security Forces to continue their mission to rid the country of Daesh’s
Higher Military Commission

August 2023
The U.S. and the Government of Iraq announces working group meetings of the Higher Military
Commission (HMC) to develop a roadmap to transition the Coalition’s mission to enduring bilateral
security partnerships.

As the current mission transitions, the Coalition continues its
commitment to ensure Iraq's secure, stable, and sovereign future.