
A founding member of the Coalition, Belgium is and will remain committed to defeating Daesh and to the broader fight against terrorism in all its forms. We firmly believe in the benefits of a comprehensive approach at home and through the Coalition, investing ourselves in all dimensions of its work.

Militarily, Belgium has been present in the air, on the ground and at sea since the beginning of the fight in October 2016. Belgium has provided planes, forces, staff and a ship, striving to liberate the Levant territories from the terrorist threat. We have always aimed at bringing the best value added by playing to our strengths and remain committed to spot any new opportunities to do so.

We believe stabilization to be the key to long term peace. Our commitment to support the restoration of the physical living conditions as well as individuals and communities resilience is unwavering. To help achieve these social, economic and material goals we are engaging in humanitarian aid, contributing more than 440 million euros to Syria and Iraq. Belgium supports the stabilization efforts through the repatriation of women and children from the region.

Bilaterally Belgium supports capacity building and training in a number of countries from West to Central Africa. Within the EU Belgium takes a leading role in providing expertise to the EU CT Network, helping the EU to monitor and address terrorism in Europe, Asia and Africa.



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